我由2009年5月19日開始我的減肥計劃,到了9月13日,用了117天,不靠任何減肥產品,靠自己的恆心和毅力,減了25磅,由127磅減到102磅,現在不用再減了,我亦已退下來, 過著退休生活。
how do you treat the water after烚椰菜?the water soluble fiber is all inside! will you drink it as a soup or just throw it? i am worrying about wasting all the good stuffs there![版主回覆09/19/2012 07:50:04]除非是滾菜湯, 否則烚完菜的水都會倒了.
how do you treat the water after烚椰菜?the water soluble fiber is all inside! will you drink it as a soup or just throw it? i am worrying about wasting all the good stuffs there!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/19/2012 07:50:04]除非是滾菜湯, 否則烚完菜的水都會倒了.